Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Is it bad that the only thing drawing me to the lower east side is the magnetic fields song that plays in my head everytime I hear about the area, and yet that is somehow enough to encourage me to move there? (Its a catchy song. "I'm the luckiest guy on the lower east side, cuz i've got wheels and you want to go for a ride. The day is beautiful, and so are you. My car is ugly, but then I'm ugly too. . . )

I wish NYC apartment ads would include information that is pertinent to your apartment search.

For example:

"2 BR, lots of windows, low probability a neighbor will kill you."

"Studio, quaint, resident rats large enough to serve as ottomans."

"Second floor walk up, quiet, rooftop access, the woman on the first floor already hates you."

"Hardwood floors, all new kitchen appliances, the neighbors across the street don't close their blinds. Ever."

"Sketchy landlord, but the password for 3B's wireless internet is 'weasel' so you can use his for free."

This is the information that people base decisions on. Not any of this b.s. about how "cozy" a place is, or the hip coffee place that I can't afford across the street, or the laundromat that is only 15 blocks away.


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