Thursday, November 30, 2006


You know that moment, when you're sitting by yourself at home, and suddenly out of nowhere you are about to burst into tears. You don't know why, maybe you're sad, maybe Hallmark made another one of their over the top emotional commercials. You didn't think you were sad, but maybe you are and you just didn't notice until now. Then you remember the mistake at work today, the broken coffee mug last week, and soon everything that has caused you to worry all month comes to mind at once. Work, friends, family, terrorism, radiation, eggs from caged hens. At this time, there is only one thing to do, and you've gotta do it fast before the real waterworks start and you're in the bathroom screaming I DID MY BEST!!!* Rush to your computer and type in Its true. Baby animals are like kryptonite to needless self-pity tears.

*You must watch Dane Cook's stand up special "Ring of Fire" if, for some unfortunate reason, you don't understand that line.

Today's Little Known Fact About Katie: Contrary to popular belief, cats are not in fact my favorite animal. Cats don't even hold a candle to my crazy-over-the-top-love for BUNNY RABBITS. (cats just make better housepets.)

So now, because I just burst into tears for absolutely no reason, are pictures of baby bunnies.

I had a bunny like these ones . . . they're half-lops which means one ear lops, and they other doesn't. (Don't you hate when only one ear will lop?)

If you're still tearing up a little, perhaps you'll be better after you . . . SHOW ME ANOTHER CAT IN A SINK


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