Sunday, June 04, 2006

Accidental Rehab

It turns out that my parent's house is very, very similar to an extremely expensive detox clinic. I'm going to stop telling people I'm living with my parents and start telling them that I'm doing a stint in rehab. It just sounds more glamorous. I think I am losing 4 lbs a day despite all efforts to feed myself because the closest thing to junk food is dried cranberries (the consumption of which is monitored due to their high sugar content). I can't even remember my last vodka tonic. I am coping well with the severe withdrawal that I am experiencing, although every day I have to fight the urge to buy a family-sized box of Wheat Thins, a bottle of Gatorade and an Us Weekly from Wawa.
I also haven't had a migraine or back pain all week, and that horrible cough is already gone after I had it for two and a half years.
I've even developed an OCD exercise regime with my new pedometer, and am concentrated on achieving the daily goal of 10,000 steps. Right now i'm at 13,930 and its only 6:25 p.m. I get a Gold Star for the day!
Ok, well I've gotta stop blogging now to go draw a picture about my feelings. Super!


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