Thursday, May 04, 2006

Parking Tickets Make Me Cry

They do. For two full days apparently. And this is not a sign of my emotional instability, by the way. Parking tickets are awful in their way of scolding you. You get a glaring yellow envelope on your car to tell you that you have done something wrong and it was so awful that no one even cares that you are sorry. I even tried grovelling with the woman who was driving away, grinning that she had found a car without a 9-4 parking tag. I mean, I can't really blame her. Her job is to drive around town hunting out cars that are illegally parked. Its like a malevolent Easter Egg hunt. I'd be smug too. Then I'd get a new job that didn't involve ruining the week of a really cute young girl just because I would want to sleep at night, but that is besides the point. In other words, parking tickets make me feel horribly guilty and regretful, and they make me cry. As do stories about fictional baby otters (portly!) but thats a different story.
I just wrote my check for an unbelievable amount of money that will go straight to paying for the health insurance of empty-inside-parking-ticket-lady and I wrote in the memo line "I'm really sorry for parking my car in the wrong place." Because really I am. If I had Monday morning to do all over again I would have moved my car. And I did something bad, so I feel some solace now that I have apologized. I'm hoping e.i.p.t.l. will see my apology and forgive me. And give me back my money.


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